Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Cow Sat On My....

Yes that is right a cow sat on my car, my Mazda RX8...
Hubby and I were coming home from shopping on Thursday night at 7.45pm and there was this cow in the middle of the road. We slowed right down and were doing 10km/hr to try and get past it. The stupid thing was running all over the road, weaving everywhere, next thing we know it's back legs gave out from under it and it sat on the side of my car.....I now have a damaged side panel.
We were so mad, how could this happen. How could this cow be out on the road.
So this coming week I have to get the insurance assessor to have a look at it. Well here are some photos of the damage...the lady at the insurance company had a good laugh when I told her a cow sat on my car.

I was so glad that we didn't hit it going any faster, would not like to think what would of happened even if my car has got 6 air bags.
Keep Safe,


Jayne said...

OMG!!! Who knew a cow could do so much damage!! Hope you can get it fixed without too much hassle :)

Renee Dowling said...

OMG - a cow, I can't beleive it when I read that!! So doid you find the owners of the Cow? they should pay for your car, you poor thing!

Kirsty said...

OMG!!! A cow!!!!!

Holy ... well, I was gonna say 'cow' but maybe best not to under the circumstances...

Glad everyone is okay!